Wednesday, August 22, 2012

PACs uneditted

Because I am bedbound and have a lot of blocks of free time, of course I end up watching a lot of television. The political advertisements have been driving me crazy, but more so than in previous election times and for different reasons. Janet has mentioned her dislike of the advertisements on both sides because of the backstabbing and muckraking. Of coarse, I don't find these qualities redeeming but I've noticed something else about the advertisements that bothers me even more.

After about 7 PM every night, each grouping of advertising includes at least one pro-Romney or anti-Obama commercial. The majority are not directly sponsored by Romney’s campaign, but are paid for by different Republican Political Action Committees (PACs). These PACs are run by various influential Republican multimillionaires and billionaires. Because of political campaign funding laws, these multimillionaires and billionaires are limited as to how much they can fund Romney's campaign directly, but they can " hide" behind these groups and support their candidate on a much larger scale.

 I know it's all legal but it shouldn't be. There are campaign funding limits and there shouldn't be loopholes to get around them. I don't care which candidate takes advantage of these loopholes, they are wrong and shouldn't exist. The limits were made with the idea that they would help keep candidates from being overly influenced or bought.

 Similar laws exist to limit the influence that lobbyists can exert on candidates or politicians and the politicians have been brought up on charges for showing favoritism to different lobby groups. I'm trying to figure out the difference between millionaires and billionaires trying to get one of their own group into office and thus having influence over him versus a lobby group trying to buy influence over a politician. I know these situations are different, but I do see some marked similarities.

 I really appreciate the fact that Obama refuses to attempt to get much millionaire support. He started out his campaign years ago as a man of the people and he has continued to stand on that philosophy. I know that if the PAC money was taken away, Romney and the Republican Party still could personally pay for a lot more commercial time than Obama and the Democrats; it just might be a little fairer. I like the idea of getting rid of all Political Action Committees and going back to the old way of doing politics.

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