Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Medical marijuana letters

I got tired of waiting for the Delaware government to work out how they were going to address the medical marijuana bill that passed almost 2 years ago. I didn't know how to proceed or who was responsible, so I started by asking my representatives.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 5:16 PM, PAM STEWART <pamstew1@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hello Representative Kowalko and Senator Sokola,

I am writing to you as my state legislative representatives. I am hoping you can direct me on how to proceed.

I have chronic progressive multiple sclerosis and had contacted Representative Schooley regarding the Medical Marijuana Bill. I appreciated her assistance in getting the bill passed, but apparently there is still work to be done, since there is no method of distribution of the medical marijuana set up yet. I have a doctor who has agreed to write a prescription for the medical marijuana to aid me in appetite improvement, and spasticity and pain management. Now I need your help so that someday soon, there will be a way to fill the prescription.

I find the current situation very frustrating... This new medical option is legal in our state, but it seems as if the legislature stopped there and no one bothered to figure out the next step. Is there someone currently working on this problem? If so, can you provide me with their email address? If no one is working on this, can you help me ‘shake things up’ so to speak?

If we can get this distribution problem worked out, I hope to see you at the next Democratic Fundraiser in Newark. I’m the one in the fancy power chair. Until then, I appreciate your hard work, gentlemen. Keep it up!


Pam Stewart

Professional Editing Services

Newark, Delaware


When I didn't get an answer after almost 3 weeks, I sent the following email…

To my state legislators,

I was very surprised to note that when I looked over my records, I found I had not received any acknowledgment of the attached email I sent on March 20.

In reviewing it, I noticed I had not included my street address, so you could not confirm that I was in your district. I am assuming that this is the reason I have not heard from your offices.

The availability of medical marijuana is of great importance to me and my fellow multiple sclerosis sufferers, as well as those Delaware residents with chronic illnesses. Medical marijuana is less dangerous and addictive than the opiates we are forced to take instead.

Please review the attached email. I look forward to hearing about your efforts on behalf of those Delaware residents in need of medical marijuana.

Thank you,

Pam Stewart

Professional Editing Services

105 Dallas Ave.

Newark, Delaware 19711

I think my representatives was a little embarrassed because he responded the same day I sent this second email… Sunday afternoon

My apologies for not responding sooner. I voted for and helped pass this important piece of legislation and I think we, as legislators, have moved it to a point where the only reason it has been delayed rests with the Administration. The Governor doesn't seem very enthusiastic about it and I cannot fathom why. I certainly question the legitimacy of worrying about legal risks and ramifications from the Feds. I honestly believe that you will have to seek answers from the executive branch since I don't believe there is anything more we can do legislatively. I do want to express my sympathy and empathy for your situation and that of others who could use these proven benefits of legalization for medical purposes. I was and remain a very enthusiastic supporter of medical marijuana and will not compromise my beliefs that it is necessary and overdue. Unfortunately I have very little influence with this administration and advise that organized public pressure should be exerted to bring things to a climax. I would respectfully suggest phone calls, hard mailings and e-mailings to the administration with a demand for a written status update.
John Kowalko


I took his suggestion seriously, and wrote the following email to Gov. Markell. I'll let you know how that goes.
Gov. Markel:
I am writing to you regarding your stand on medical marijuana. I'm a long time Delaware resident with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis. I take multiple drugs, some of them addictive with serious side effects, to manage pain and spasticity. In spite of the medications, I continue to have problems with these issues and because of nausea and appetite suppression caused by the medications I have lost approximately 15 pounds in the past two years.
In the past, I worked with my state legislators, lobbying for the medical marijuana bill. I was relieved and excited when the bill passed. I lined up a doctor who agreed to write the prescription, and anxiously awaited the announcement that distribution centers had been set up and I could begin receiving my new medication. I'm still waiting…
Governor, I've never used marijuana in my life. I have never smoked any product, legal or otherwise. Medical marijuana to me is a medicine not a recreational drug. It's a medicine that has fewer side effects and is less addictive than the legal drugs I currently take.
I realize that medical marijuana is not legal on the federal level, but there are several issues to be considered.
·                     Myself and many other chronically ill, Delaware residents need this medication.
·                     State legislature has legalized medical marijuana.
·                     Several other states have begun distribution without major federal repercussions.
Sir, I urge you to finish the job that the Delaware legislature began. Please authorize distribution centers and distribution of medical marijuana.
Thank you,
Pam Stewart
And please drive his office crazy about medical marijuana. Thanks